墨西哥是一个制药工业快速发展的国家,在可以赌足球的app,我们见证了过去十年市场的重大变化. With the rise of complex and sensitive medicines and vaccines, it has become essential for manufacturers to have a reliable packaging solution, supported by agile operational capabilities to ensure the safety and efficacy of the medicines shipped.
One of the most significant changes in the market has been the growing popularity of generic drugs. In recent years, 墨西哥政府还采取措施,使仿制药制造商更容易进入市场. This has led to a greater variety of generic drugs being available to patients, which has in turn helped to drive down prices.
仿制药在墨西哥的日益普及对患者来说是一个积极的发展,因为它提供了一种更负担得起和更容易获得的药物选择, 仿制药正在帮助确保更多的墨西哥人能够继续获得他们所需的医疗服务.
Despite the positive changes, the pharmaceutical market in Mexico still faces several challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the prevalence of counterfeit drugs. According to the World Health Organization, as many as 10% of drugs sold in developing countries may be counterfeit. This is a significant problem in Mexico, where the sale of counterfeit drugs is common. These drugs can be dangerous to patients, as they may not contain the proper ingredients or may be contaminated. This is why when shipping high-value pharmaceuticals, a secure packaging solution is extremely important to protect the end patient.
As we reflect on the last decade in Mexico, 我们采访了来自可以赌足球的app的三位最了解市场的人,从他们的角度来看,在过去的10年里,情况发生了怎样的变化. Let’s see what Ernest Murphy, Head of Operations Americas; Brian Cooper, Head of Sales Americas and Rosabel Calderon, Strategic Account Manager had to say:
Tell me about the market in Mexico, what are the challenges, how has the market evolved over the past 10 years and how has 可以赌足球的app evolved with it?
Ernest: We have found that southern border crossings US>MEX and MEX>US is a specific challenge to the MEX region. 法规总是在变化,这意味着我们必须始终跟上法规并适应它们.
Brian: From my experience, it’s all about education. 我们与该地区的客户和合作伙伴进行了广泛的合作,帮助他们了解可以赌足球的app active ULD在保护药品运输过程中的稳定性方面的好处.
我们还努力通过环境学院的培训来教育地面服务团队——不仅仅是关于环境的培训, 同时也了解了温控空运(TCAF)的一般情况以及药品运输质量对保护最终患者的重要性.
Rosabel: From my perspective, when we first started servicing MEX as an inventory point, 货代和航空公司只向客户提供被动的解决方案,而主动的解决方案并不是他们的选择. Now, 10 years later, 货代对他们运输的全球十大赌钱软件app的温度要求有了更好的了解, and the benefits of an active solution. Now, 我们发现他们更有信心讨论主动解决方案的好处,并且很高兴能够向制药商提供这种解决方案.
Ernest: Back in 2013, we predominately saw the use of our t container (dry ice) solution. 在过去的10年里,我们经历了巨大的转变,所以现在我们的大部分货物和库存都是集装箱解决方案(RKN和RAP),这是我们的电加热/冷却系统. 我们也看到进出MEX的旅行数量强劲增长,因为我们在该地区的客户对主动包装解决方案及其带来的好处有了更多的了解.
Brian: 对我们来说,一个重要的里程碑是在ULD Services MEX建立了当地的地勤代理和服务合作伙伴. 与了解当地TCAF市场的组织合作具有巨大的价值,并且是可以赌足球的app全球十大赌钱软件app的延伸.
我们也能够展示跨不同销售渠道合作的重要性,并与制药公司建立强大的专业和个人本地关系, Forwarders, and Airlines.
Rosabel: 墨西哥是被批准为拉丁美洲生产和分销covid - 19疫苗的国家之一. We were proud to play our part in supporting the distribution of the vaccine in Latin America.
Brian mentioned our service partner ULD Services, what can you all tell us about the team at ULD Services in MEX and how they help us to support the region?
Ernest: The team is truly part of the 可以赌足球的app family, they are our face to the market, and they represent and carry themselves as part of the family. 他们还提供一些增值服务,使我们能够有效地进出口我们的集装箱,并使我们在该地区的商业增长和运营能力得以实现.
Brian: ULD Services MEX and Alberto’s staff are such wonderful people, we have gotten to know so many of them and their families over the years. Their hard work is a huge piece in the puzzle so that we can effectively support the region.
Rosabel: 自2013年我们在墨西哥开设该站以来,他们一直是我们的重要合作伙伴,并一直支持我们. ULD服务MEX团队一直不遗余力地为我们的客户提供卓越的服务.
So what is next for 可以赌足球的app in Mexico?
Ernest: Our next focus is on training our customers and partners on understanding more about, and adopting, our new products in the MEX market – the Releye® ULD family and CryoSure® solutions. This will allow us to bring to the region our next generation of service delivery.
Brian: We’re also focusing on expanding our value-added services and operational capabilities even further. We want to continue to offer our local and global expertise, 与ULD服务MEX一起支持我们的本地客户,因为我们继续为制药公司发展TCAF市场-从制造到最终分销.
Rosabel: 我非常专注于继续加强我们与制药公司之间已经建立的关系, forwarders and airlines in the region, 继续教育市场,建立对我们作为温控制药行业真正顾问的知识的理解.
For my last question, 你们都去过墨西哥,拜访了我们的电台和客户,你们最喜欢墨西哥的什么?
Ernest: For me, it’s the people, the culture and the FOOD
Brian: I love the energy and how vibrant Mexico City is every time I visit. 我很喜欢这里的社区,也吃过一些世界上最好的饭菜,这都要感谢阿尔贝托和他对饮食文化体验的热爱.
Our customers in Mexico have always been so welcoming and warm; they embraced ULD Services MEX and 可以赌足球的app the day we opened our operations and commercial representation.
Rosabel: I have to say the empathy and kindness of the people in Mexico always stands out to me every time I visit.
我们感到自豪和荣幸的是,在市场上10年后,这么多的客户继续与我们合作,当我们回顾过去,看到环境有多远, ULD Services MEX, and our customers have come in support of Pharma TCAF and the patients we all serve.
As the pharmaceutical market in Mexico continues to evolve, 可以赌足球的app is looking forward to continuing to play our part in driving the growth of the region. While there are still challenges to be addressed, the overall trend in Mexico's pharmaceutical market is one of progress and improvement. By continuing to address these challenges, we can all work together to ensure that patients have access to safe and effective healthcare.
您想了解更多关于我们在MEX的运营服务以及我们如何与您合作以支持您的发货吗? Contact our local sales representative Rosabel Calderon.